Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Refashion Co-op

Sing with me ...
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Refashion Co-op,
Happy Birthday to you

So how old are you now? 2 years, wow time flies!

Congratulations to the Refashion Co-op and by that I mean congratulations to you all. All the editors, both the ones who were there in the beginning, who joined along the way and who are with us now. Also to all the contributors without who there would be no co-op at all.

I think it's good once in a while to remind everyone (both old and new) what it is we are all about and where we came from. Here goes...

Back in 2010 there was a community blog called Wardrobe Refashion.  It was a wonderful place and I had just pledged to be a refashionista and post there when we were told that the blog would shut down. The blog owner was overworked with running the blog and found it difficult to get help. I guess this is something many of us who blog can relate to.

Anyway, this left many refashionistas out there in the cold with nowhere to go and share their projects. During my short time on WR I had met some lovely people and I wanted to keep the spirit of WR going. But I didn't want to start another blog on my own and then get run down by it. So I came up with the idea of a community run community blog, if that makes sense. There would be not one but several editors and no one person would be in charge or have ownership of the blog. So a real co-op. In January 2011 I posted the Refashion Co-op Idea post.

The grand idea was to have a self-contained blog on an blogging platform, where all editors could be equal. Another concept was that the co-op should always be without monetary cost or profit for editors and contributors alike.

However, there are a few points from back then about 'what do we get out of it' that I think we still need to look at.
Here is what the contributors would get out of it with the original idea:
  1. Contributors will have a platform and a community in which to spread the word about their projects and their own blogs.
  2. There will be a page dedicated to contributors listing each with a link to their blog (if they have one)
  3. Contributors will have the chance of entering sponsored giveaways.
The first is true and has been since the beginning. The second and third have not been implemented yet.

My question to you all today on this happy day is, how would you like to see the Refashion Co-op develop in the future. Here is another list of ideas off the top of my head:
  • sponsored giveaways - ideas for sponsors?
  • book reviews - ideas for books?
  • pattern reviews - ideas for refashion friendly patterns?
  • contributors page (list of contributors and links to blog)
  • more editorial content - posts about refashioning in general, how-to round-ups
  • more presence on social media (pinterest, twitter, facebook)
  • competitions
  • swaps
  • post an item and ask for ideas help
  • better search functionality
So the Refashion Co-op was launched on Valentines day 2011 and has been gaining speed since then.

Lauren recently hosted our first Refashion First Friday linky party, which many of you joined in. It was a great success and will be a reoccurring feature every first Friday of the month. I think it's that sort of thing we would like to do more of to get a larger community, including those who are not able to sign up to post a refashion once a month.

Another this we discussed in relation to this was whether to include non-fashion items. We decided not to as it was out of the scope of the refashion concept. But on a separate note I was wondering if there is any interest out there in the blogsphere in creating a little sister for the Refashion Co-op, running on the same concept but for redesigned items - a Redesign Co-op so to speak? Let me know?

I am going to make this post a sticky for about a week and hope you will all comment on it. At least to say happy birthday to us all. But please do also comment and let us know if you have any ideas on how to make RC more ... or if you particularly want to support any of the ideas I have mentioned above.

This is the time when we really need you and we need to know what you want to be the future for the co-op. Consider this our annual general meeting and don't be shy.

Happy Birthday all,

xx Eddie

Edit: We have had so many nice comments and ideas on this post already and since I don't have time to look at it all this weekend anyway I am going to keep it up till next weekend and then have a look through them. So please keep the ideas coming. 
I can also see already that we have conflicting ideas, so I am considering, like a proper AGM, that we maybe have a vote on some of the more controversial items. Such as, should we do competitions or not. 


Adele said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so happy to be an editor on this amazing blog :) x

Cucicucicoo said...

happy birthday, refashion co-op! i love being part of this community!

i love the idea of creating some sort of database of refashion patterns and maybe some sort of forum where contributors but not only can propose swaps, ask advice, etc. also a contributors page would be nice. the idea of the item-redesign site is also wonderful because there are so many great things that we all make that can't be worn, some of which are sometimes posted here, though in theory they shouldn't.

thanks again for everything! :) lisa

Sandy said...

Some really good ideas. I don't do social network, but alot of people do. but I hope any increased efforts in that area won't exclude those of us who don't do it.
On the sponsored give away idea, you need to make sponsors aware that it is international. I am on a few blogs/sites that do competitions and give aways, but the sponsors either have a rider that they only send to their own country. or the prizes are about places in that country. This is even though they have participants from all over the world.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Refashion Co-op!

It would be great to have an 'ask for ideas' section. We're not all blessed with designer ideas.

Jenni said...

I like the idea of some sort of series/competition. Maybe a Project Runway type thing, with challenges each week, but the designers can only use refashioned/upcycled clothing. It could be done using the linky tools.

IWOM said...

Happy Birthday RFC!

I'm certainly with Sandy on the social network matter: I don't have the slightest interest in Face Book or Twitter (I'd rather spend more time sewing!) so focusing our efforts on just the blog is the way to go to reach the maximum amount of people.

Keeping the blog on topic is also important IMO -- we do say 'something new to wear out of old clothes' right over there on the left. A sister blog for crafts, home decor etc. made from unwanted clothes would be great (says the woman making a quilt just now from her husband's lovely but worn out French cuff work shirts) but for now the guideline on the Posting Ds&Ds that you may link to your own blog for that sort of project seems quite clear. If you want to publish crafts from clothes, that's what Craftster and the like are for!

Given that we are so international, giveaways are a toughie (not to mention swaps!). I know back in the early days when Jenni and I did a giveaway of my first book I had to lay my hands on a USA copy as the UK publisher was out, send it to her eight time zones to the west and then it had to be sent out to the winner. Perhaps we should focus more on book and pattern reviews by we contributors. You don't need to be a professional writer to tell folk why you dislike a certain pattern or really like a certain book! One could submit a review and the editors could post it on a slow day for the blog or a whole new page could be created.

Perhaps the editors could have some 'Editors' Picks', a weekly or monthly link to a particularly clever, well-written, instructional post? That would be a sort of challenge to all of us to really pull out the stops!

A 'What Would You Do?' segment would be fab too: people could just answer or send in a picture or link from a similar project they tackled. Naturally you'd send a picture of what you did once you did it. I asked for ideas once in an early post, got a few good ones but gave away the item before taking a picture! Bad IWOM.

That's all I got just now: go have a slice of virtual cake Eddie!



Love Flow said...

I think all of the ideas are great!! Go for it!!

Unknown said...

I agree with others about competitions from time to time. Give people a month to do a particular project and crown a winner at the end. Perhaps even create a little "winners circle" page or blog buttons. Could be very cool.

Suzy Turner said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I've been subscribing to the Refashion Co-op blog for a few months now and have tentatively had a bash at re-fashioning a few items in my wardrobe (relatively successfully!). I really enjoy getting your emails in my inbox every day to find out what everyone has been creating!
All the ideas you've suggested are great, especially 'post an item and ask for ideas help'.
Best wishes

Little Blue Mouse said...

Happy Birthday!
I'm with Sandy on the social networking because I don't do it either.
I like the idea of giveaways and pattern recommendations and miss being able to search for categories such as dresses or trousers etc.

Little Blue Mouse said...

Happy Birthday!
I'm with Sandy on the social networking because I don't do it either.
I like the idea of giveaways and pattern recommendations and miss being able to search for categories such as dresses or trousers etc.

Dominique said...

Happy B-day ! Wow ! 2 years already ! I started with Wardrobe Refashion and followed to Co-op and it is now a big part of my life. I would be interested in non-clothing accessory posts, in a little sister blog. They are often easier and faster to make and, even if there are many sites dedicated to them, I think it would be nice to see what you can do with old clothes all in onw site, instead of bloghopping for ideas.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Refashion Co-op!

Big thanks to the Editors for sparing their time to keep things running smoothly!

I like all the ideas listed in the main post and would be especially delighted to see a bit more variety in the type of posts, so including more 'editorial' things like book reviews and pattern reviews would be great.

I also LOVE the idea of a 'Project Runway' style competition for refashioners (suggested by Jenni above) - definitely count me in if you decide to do this! Who would judge it though? The editors?

Definitely agree about moving the non-fashion stuff to another blog to help maintain focus (agree with IWOM above).

Overall, continue being awesome!

pao said...

Congrats on 2 years!
I like that Refashion co-op is focused on Refashion - it's not just sewing, or just recycling, but the two combined. So I'd rather not see it diluted.

I also like that it's not competitive. So I'd rather not see winners and losers become part of its framework.

I do like the idea of pattern reviews, relevant book reviews, blog or website mentions that are relevant, news you can use, etc.

The linky party is a good idea for getting traffic that can't commit otherwise.

I'm not at all interested in other social media - no twittering, pinteresting, facebooking, etc. I'd rather sew. Blogging takes up enough time as it is.

It would be cool if people, myself included, made more of an effort to comment on posts. Perhaps highlighting recent comments on the sidebar?

Thanks for asking for our feedback!

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