Saturday, February 02, 2013

peacock skirt

I had passed on to me 2 similar skirts. The top one was mock-suede material and had some interesting details.
I started by unpicking the waist band up to the zip. Then I put the skirt on inside out so i could add some darts as it was too big for me.

 Then I simply cut the waist band to size and reattached it. Now I had this skirt that fit me.

So now what to do to give it the personal touch?????

I have wanted to try this peacock deisgn for a while. Its actually part of a set of designs to make a treasure chest style purse but I thought it would look great in complementary colours to match this skirt. The position of the design was determined by a slight stain I hadnt noticed at first.

For those embroidery machine owners out there, I used sticky stabliser as I was worried about hoop burn, and I also used a bit of metallic thread for one element, which was very nerve racking.

I do like this design, as being in block colours you have a lot of flexibility.


  1. When embroidering with metallic thread, it helps a lot to reduce the speed of your sewing/embroidery machine down to the absolute minimum, to cut down on stretching the thread - that, plus the heat caused by the friction of the needle & fabric, is often responsible for the metallic thread breaking like crazy. Hope that helps for your next project!

  2. Its beautiful, I love peacocks!

    Erica, EOD


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