Saturday, March 02, 2013

American Girl Doll Refashion

For this week's 49-cent Friday refashion over on the Diary of a MadMama blog, I started out with this top I purchased a while ago.
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Aeropostale cable-knit sweater
I decided to refashion this into an outfit for my daughter's American Girl doll.
I cut off one of the sleeves and using the cuff as the new waistband of the skirt, all I had to do was hem the raw edge. 
Pretty easy, don't you think?
49-Cent Friday Refashion
A cute little sweater-skirt.
I didn’t want to end the refashion here, having only used part of one sleeve of the sweater. So I decided to make a pair of tights to go with the doll’s skirt.
I pulled the other sleeve up to the doll's waist to measure where I needed to cut (cuff side up).
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Snippety snip!
With the sleeve inside out, sew 2 seams up the length of the sleeve where the inside of the legs will be. Then sew the bottom (raw edge) for the toe seams, and then a small section where the crotch of the tights will be.
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Yay! Almost done! All that’s left to do is separate those legs (Oh, that didn’t sound right did it? Sorry!). ;)
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Separating (with scissors, mind you).
Hey, pretty snazzy huh?
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Pretty in pink.
Now at this point, I realized that I still had only used about half of the sleeves, and still had this much of the sweater left…
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Lots of leftover sweater!
I didn’t want you guys to feel jipped from this weeks’ refashion, so I thought I’d make my daughter a matching skirt to go along with her doll’s new attire.
I simply put the sweater on my daughter to see where I needed to take it in. 
I thought that after stitching the side seams, I would need to make a casing for the elastic waist-band. But after taking in the sides, and trimming off the sleeves, I realized it fit perfectly without the extra work. And since the new waist was the old neck of the sweater, it was already finished. Rock on!
49-Cent Friday Refashion
Look, matching outfits!
So for 49-cents I was able to make my daughter a skirt, her doll a matching skirt, and a pair of tights (plus with the remaining partial sleeves, I’ll be able to make 2 more pair of tights for her other dolls).
Pretty good considering most of the American Girl matching outfits you can purchase for your girl and her doll cost a whopping $70 on average (and that’s being conservative).
If you would like to see the more detailed tutorial of this refashion, you can check out this post.
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Love it - I am without a sewing machine at the moment so I have been knitting a lot recently. Also knitting outfits for my daughter and matching ones for her doll. So much fun!

  2. Great idea for a refashion! My daughter has Kirsten and still loves her today.

  3. Thanks ladies!
    Eddie, if I were a better knitter I would love to make some matching outfits like that! Great idea.
    Beth, that's so cool. I love the American Girl brand. :)

  4. A very cute idea!

    Erica, Editor on Duty

  5. Thanks Erica! :)


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