Friday, March 01, 2013

DIY Friday: Getting Ready for Spring: Color Block Pillowcase skirt

What better way to get ready for spring than add a couple new pieces to your wardrobe? Today’s DIY is all about that! And we’ll be using an ordinary pillowcase for that!
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Here is all you need:
1. Pillowcase
2. A wide strip of fabric to add the color block segment on the bottom
3. Scissors
4. Pins
5. Matching thread
6. Sewing machine
7. Elastic
Start off by laying out your pillowcase, then turn it inside out, cut the seam on one end, now you have a tube! Fold out one end – that’s where your waist line is going to be:
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Once the fabric has been folded on one end to form the waistline I suggest you either pin it or fasten with a running stitch. Then decide how long you want the top part of the skirt to be, and cut off the remainder:
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TIP: Don’t throw the cut-off, you are going to use it to determine how much of other fabric you are going to need! It’s a perfect “stencil”, that will make your life a lot easier! 
Let’s work on the waistline now. This is where you are going to need your elastic. If your waistline is wider than 1″ you might want to run two rows of stitching, just to make the skirt sit properly. The elastic goes between the two rows:
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Now it’s time to pin the other fabric to the main part of our skirt. I used bright fuchsia fabric, which you are going to see in a lot of other refashions and DIYs this coming spring!
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It’s also a good idea to add a slit to the back of your skirt, like in the picture above! And your skirt is done and ready to wear! 
Thank you so much for checking out my refashion! I hope this was a helpful and inspirational post for you! Stay tuned for more fun refashions, sewing tutorials, and DIYs, there is also an amazing GIVEAWAY on my blog right now! 


  1. very nice and easy skirt!


  2. I love this. You can also save the strip you cut off to add onto another color block skirt! Great refashion. I love this! :)


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