Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pocket tshirt to ruffle tank top

I am a sucker for ruffles, not only because they are cute, sassy and feminine but they can cover up boo-boos, tears and fabric problems with refashioned clothes!

This refashion started as a regular polo shirt (Ralph Lauren!) Sort of like this one.

I was a big fan of the soft material and gray/olive color. It was originally meant for a pencil skirt, but because I already had one similar, I decided to do a tank top. The only problem? When I cut the tank top out, the pocket of the shirt was right there on the front. Womp womp. The ruffles were sort of a means to an end, but I loved the way it turned out:

For instructions on how I pinned the ruffles and more images I drew on because I'm super classy like that, visit my pocket tshirt to ruffle tank top tutorial over on It's Blogworthy. Happy sewing, ladies!

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