Monday, March 18, 2013

recycled jacket to hat with flower trim


Hi I am Elizren and this is my first post.  I hope you like it.  I love fashion especially thrifting and repurposing things.  This is an old fleec jacket i bought at thrift for $2.00, I wanted a hat to wear to Renaissance Fair but I thought I could make one.  So I cut out a pattern from an old grocery bag using a hat I had - I just traced and cut around the top and sides of the hat to create the pattern then I sewed it together and Voila! Instant Renaissance hat.  I plan on making a few more and I wanted to insert silky, brocade and tapestry type fabrics to make it more "period" like for the Renaissance costuming.  For the flower which you can attach to the hat - I cut out petals and sewed them together and I coiled some of the side seam for the flower center.  For complete details check out my youtube video at Elizren's channel.  xxoo


  1. Thanks for posting your first refashion Renee, your hat looks great. Look forward to seeing more

    Erica, Editor on Duty

  2. Super cute! Love it! Welcome! :)

  3. thanks Ladies! I love refashion. There are so many cool items this month for sure!


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