Wednesday, May 29, 2013

30 Minutes or Less

It has been a seriously busy month for me. I've fallen way behind on my sewing. The problem is that a heat wave is coming and I am not even close to being prepared for summer. With only a half hour to spare, what can I possibly get done?

Step 1: Trim Sleeves from 3 shirts and 5 inches off ugly stir-up pants.
Step 2: Hem sleeves and pants.
Step 4: Cut Hello Kitty Applique off old pj's.
Step 4: Sew applique to plain black t-shirt using a simple straight stitch.
Step 5: Look awesome in your new pants and get hugs from little girls who can never have enough Hello Kitty.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you manage a lot in 30 min, lol!

    Very cool stuff.

    Eddie, EOD

    Come over and ‘like’ Eddie's Room on Facebook for some crafty ideas and conversation. :-)


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