Monday, May 20, 2013

Blooming Botanicals...

Create your own adorable ear blossoms in minutes with my step-by-step how-to!

so simple!


Here’s a wee salute to the 70′s that’ll definitely put more power in yer flower(s)…


 - pardon the horrendous word play & get makin’ with my funky tutorial -

hmmm...but what to do with all of the remaining stems? Check out my next webisode for the groovy solution: 


…be sure to visit my convenient Tutorial Index & get your craft on!


  1. Looks good. I like the earrings. I actually prefer having photos on this site rather than having a video because I can look without disturbing people around me.

    I guess people could always go to a blog link if they wanted to see the video.

    Sandy in the UK


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