Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Major Recon Dress

The original mini dress I had made (with matching boxers) was now too small, too short and just unappealing. I liked the fabric pattern though, and that was all I had of it, so I dismantled the boxers.

once upon a time mini shift

with matching boxer shorts

I wanted some contrasting fabric for inserts.  The only thing I could come up with from my stash was a rather subtle pinstripe.

version #3.75

Then came the engineering.  yikes!  This part took weeks of trial and error.  Having a limited amount of both fabrics added to the suspense.  Could she do it?  Did I mention lots 'o seam ripping action? Toward the home stretch, the how-about-this/how-about-that syndrome kicked in big time.

le grande finale

le pocket
It all came together with the thought, "hey what about those metal red crescent moon buttons I bought in Paris 20 years ago?!"
Yep, those babies!

To see me wearing it in various ways, just go to Project Minima, Clothes Collages, and scroll down to "Call Me Dotty."  And thanks for looking.


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