Thursday, June 13, 2013

Three Thrifted T's into One Refashioned T

 The three thrifted men's t-shirts that I began with. I have been really into Alabama Chanin type hand-sewing and was looking for another t-shirt project.

This was me trying to figure out what would go where. The sleeve patterns wouldn't fit on a single t-shirt and there was much conceptualising. 

I didn't like what the logo was talking about on the back (it was advertisting a sporting school and was all competitive), so I had to work out some way to change that. If you would like more details about the journey I write it all out on my blog.

 This is me patching and rewriting some of the words.

Here is the completed front. 

And the back. It isn't perfect but I had a lot of fun.


  1. I really like what you've done here! I've been wanting to try some of that Alabama stitchery too. You've inspired me!

  2. Very cool Zom, the sleeves look fantastic, and cute addition of red pocket too

    Erica, Editor on Duty


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