Wednesday, July 10, 2013

dress to blouse - too short to much better!

I got this dress on sale at Sainsbury for £3 a few years ago. I knew the top part would fit even if it was too short and the hips wouldn't fit into it because it was straight and I am not!

So, I chopped it off at high hip level and hemmed it and have been wearing it.

However, all the time I wished it were a bit longer to cover the tum better in jeans. Then I saw a refashion on here (but didn't write it down) where someone did something similar. they took a few strips from the bottom section and joined them. And rather than ruffle it, they pleated it at intervals.

I came across the bottom section the other day, so this was in the 'as soon as I get to it' pile. I have been right out straight with some of my textile art deadlines. but finished one yesterday. Today I got the reminder! so, needing a break from the other anyway, I picked up the bits and got on with it.

Just took a couple hours - including having some lunch in why did I wait? Much better!!!

Detail of the added pleat section - pleats are about 15cm apart.


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