Friday, July 19, 2013

One last try

I had given up on this piece...I'd refashioned it three times already and wasn't thrilled with, I put it in my sewing trash basket, too defeated to even save it for some other project. And then I started looking at my Pinterest refashion inspiration board and thought, "I need to give it one last try."

 The first refash was fine, but a bit too blousy for my taste. The second was also fine, but I didn't get the neck quite right and when I tried to fix it I basically botched it and silk is not so forgiving when you have to keep unpicking stitches :(. The third attempt was just bad...was absolutely not satisfied at all. So I did this.

I sliced it right up the middle thinking that perhaps I'd find some way to make it into a light jacket (something I still want to do with a thrifted silk top, just need to find the right one). This is when I was giving up and had literally put it in the trash. I had found this lovely silk lace table runner? or the like, and thought, that lace would be so pretty in the now gaping "back" of this top (I say "back" because it was way too low cut to be the front now).

 So, I pinned it in place, sewed it and made a small pleated gather at the top and created a hem to match the hem at the bottom.

I tried it on to see how it would look, and the back was lovely, but the front of the top sat weird on my chest and looked more like a back I turned it around. I also cut off the sleeves making it a sleeveless/tank top. Now, being that I've already told you it was too low cut to be the front, I had to take it in at the shoulders a good 3 inches so as not to have my entire (small as it may be) chest hanging out the top of my new top :)

I finished off the armholes and was left with one little problem...

Faint, yes,  but this little pink spot just drove me nuts!!! I couldn't remove it, so I decided I'd create a small gather, pinching in the bit where the spot was (the only redeeming factor was that it had placed itself in the center of my back ;) ).

I decided to sew down the top part of the gathers so they'd lie better when I wear the top. Now, all it needs is a good press :) Here's one last look at the first refashion to the final product!

I absolutely love it now, and have no plans on putting it through a fifth this point I don't think it'd make it! Hope you enjoyed this one and see that sometimes our projects are never done...and sometimes they just need to go through a few transformations before finding their true form :)




  1. What a great post. It is fascinating to see you go through all the different stages until you end up with something you truly like. It does look good too. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  2. Kudos to you for not giving up. It looks truly original and lovely now!

  3. Really like that!! The lace just adds something special :-)

  4. Looks lovely with the lace.

  5. Thanks for all your great comments :) I've already worn it wrinkly as it was, and know that I'll be wearing it often!

  6. I praise your perseverance! I wish I had that kind of determination to work with my refashions! -Seeks, EOD


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