Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Colors Dress

This shirt was a little too short, but it had some nice darts for shaping on the front.  I had another one like it in white that I turned into a dress, so I did the same thing with this one.

As you can see I just added some knit fabric to the bottom and to the armholes, which were a little low, so that was functional as well.  Actually I'm not sure if I like the colors in the end.  We'll have to see.


Colleen said...

Nice! And the colors are great.

Kazza said...

Very elegant but simple refashion. I love the colours as I am a red head with freckles and these are my tones.

From Karen at Facebook group Melton Bowerbirds a group of avid upcyclers including refashionistas.

Cucicucicoo: Eco Crafting & Sewing said...

I love the colors! Simple refashion with a beautiful result. Nice job! :) Lisa

Refashion said...

I love the colour block dress. Great job :)

Debbie EOD

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