Sunday, October 06, 2013

Muumuu to Betty Draper to Joan Holloway Dress

I was so sad to see one of my favorite television series, Mad Men, end this spring. Their set and costume designers were genius in my book.
Last summer, this refashion was my homage to Betty Draper and Joan Holloway.
It started out as a pure silk but ill fitting Hawaiian muumuu.
It's first stop was a mild mannered Betty dress, but it didn't stop there. It just wasn't satisfied until it became a Joanie bombshell dress.
You can see the entire process of both dresses over at The Renegade Seamstress

If you haven't had a chance to check out the amazing transformations going on over at Refashion Runway, head on over and vote for your favorite refashion.

Each week, I'm totally blown away with what these lovely ladies create!!

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Gorgeous dress, those colours look great on you

Debbie EOD

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