Here is the before of my way too big thrifted top. This photo must be over a year old as my hair was still so short. I bought this blouse because of the flower print and the cotton fabric, but I didn't really know what to do with it -or how.
I took the sleeves off and sewed up the sides and it stayed like that for at least a year. Then spring came ( I am in Australia), the weather began warming up and I took another stab at it.
It was my new sewing mannikan that made the difference. I have never had one before.
I took out the old darts which were way over to the sides on me and start fitting it to the mannikan. As this was my first time the whole process was a bit of a journey with lots of learning on the way. The mannikan isn't a prefect fit. My torso is so long that I can't lengthen it enough. But it turned out to be close enough.
Great refashion. Oversized shirts are not easy to make small and get a good fit. But I agree a dressmaker's dolly does help. Thanks for the inspiration from Karen @ Facebook Group Melton Bowerbirds.
Really love the colors of this top and how it turned out! Lovely lovely lovely :) Fits you perfectly and looks so cool and refreshing!
Great fit and perfect for our hot summers.
The top looks as if it fits so much better now. Great job :)
Debbie EOD
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