Monday, December 02, 2013

A Sweater Tattoo

This is a perfectly lovely sweater, and a great contrast color for when I interpret.
With a little surprise in the back!
This is a “reverse applique” technique on this little heart.  I pinned a square of pretty fabric to the inside of the sweater, making sure it was larger than the heart.
I used permanent marker to draw the heart shape on the shoulder.  No turning back now!
I sewed a straight stitch on the line, then carefully cut out the center of the heart.  One more time around the shape with a zigzag stitch just to be sure it’s not going  anywhere.

This isn't so much of a "refashion", but more of a quick little change that makes me happy!

Amy Jo at The Little Moments

1 comment:

  1. I really like this sweet little refashion.

    Adele - EOD


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