Friday, December 06, 2013

Hi Everyone!

.I hope you have all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I have been in a cleaning and cooking frenzy this week so my regular posting schedule has been interrupted. Next week I hope to be back on track! Today I am offering up a quick little jewelry refashion from my own jewelry box. Below you see a much loved pair of earrings. Tragically, if you look to the left, you can see that this earring is missing a stone :(

2013-11-24 11.26.43

No one else would notice the missing stone but I did.

2013-11-24 11.28.49

This pair of boring hoops needed a little spicing up so...

2013-11-24 11.31.23

I took the broken earring apart and used some of the dangles for the hoops. Then I made the good earring into a necklace.

2013-11-24 11.40.58   

Have broken earrings?  Don't throw them out...give them new life!  See the entire post here.




  1. Very resourceful! I like that you were able to make a matching set.

    Andrea EOD

  2. I would be one of those people who never noticed the missing stone, BUT, I think the way you turned the pair of earings into a jewelry set is really cool! Great idea!

  3. Very pretty. I love the color and the fact you turned a pair of earrings into a set.

  4. I love this, you ended up with a cute set!


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