Monday, February 24, 2014

Flares to Skinnies

This weekend, I beefed up my pants wardrobe by turning these too-short flares...

Skinnies! - Before

...into new skinnies!

Skinnies! - After

Check out CarissaKnits for more details!

Skinnies - Before & After


  1. Very nice! I love tucking skinny jeans into knee-high boots. Also, I love when a good pair of skinny jeans make my butt look amazing!

  2. I love it! Skinnies are so much more flattering that flares.

  3. I tried to make skinnies from flares and it didn't work. I think I will try again with your method. Thanks!

  4. Great trio of skinnies - they look like fab wardroble staples :)

    Debbie EOD

  5. They came out great, Carissa! Just realized I have one last pair of flares that I need to do this to :)


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