Friday, February 21, 2014

Hot Pink Jacket Reboot

I love refashioning stuff I already have in my wardrobe. I made this Hot pink cotton sweatshirt jacket a few months back. Hubby said it was a bit stumpy on me and I didn't wear it much. It's such a shame because I like the material and the colour. So i thought I would refashion it a little to make it more wearable.

From this: 

I refashioned the sleeves into this more modern looking jacket:


  1. Much better suited to your frame with the refashioned sleeves! Love the vibrant color :)

    Andrea EOD

  2. Amazing what a difference that makes!
    Sandy in the UK

  3. I love it! So much better. I like the look of wearing a long-sleeve shirt underneath. Good job!

  4. Gorgeous colour- and really cute, especially now with the shorter sleeves- just great! :)

  5. Very cute! I think it works for all seaons!

    - Elizabeth
    aka The Hungry Octopus


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