Monday, February 10, 2014

The T-shirt refashion project - Week 1

I prefer to think of myself as an artist, when it comes to refashion. My method is usually to have the piece of clothing, that I want to refashion, lying around until I get struck by inspiration and magically make something in a frenzy of creativity and flying buttons.

But I would like to refashion as a crafts(wo)man too. So I decided to challenge myself:  10 T-shirts, 10 weeks, 10 refashions, each with a predecided theme.I am not a T-shirt person. I don't like many of the typical T-shirt refashion ideas like cutouts, frills and braids either. And all 10 are slimline T-shirts, so I don't even have a lot of fabric to work with (more is always better).
I made things hard for myself.
I intented to start at the beginning of january...........

Some friends of mine admired my refashions, but said that they couldn't do the same. I decided to show them how to refashion (with tutorials), and it was just what I needed to get started on my project.

The T-shirt refashion project

As I started the first refashion, the reality of what I was doing, struck me in all its scariness: When I don't spend ages figuring out what will be perfect to do with a piece of clothing, but rather try something out, copy something else or just go with a random idea, the final project might not be over the moon awesome and make everyone applaud me. It might not be....Perfect. Oh nooooo! Panic!
And then I calmed down and went to work ;).

Slimline pale blue T-shirt and a black stretch lace blouse.


Tutorial (in Danish, but with lots of pictures, so it should be easy enough to follow):


Minnado said...

The lace and tee looks great - thanks for sharing

Debbie EOD

Clare said...
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