Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Few Little Bits and Pieces

Today I've got a few little refashions to share - things i made as gifts in the run up to Christmas and haven't had the chance to post about yet. I'm afraid i don't have before pictures for all of them but as they were made out of pretty standard items of clothing i'm sure you can use your imagination!

First off - a pair of my boyfriend's old jeans he didn't wear any more became...

A pair (sort of!) of oven gloves - I have probably posted something similar before as i've made these a few times - love them!

A notebook cover with a couple of scraps left over from another project and some free machine embroidery (where you adjust the sewing machine to let you move the fabric freely so the effect is like drawing with the stitching - have recently discovered this technique and i am seriously in love!) making a cute little mushroom. I made a crochet pencil case to go with it, the yarn was one that was given to me by a lady who'd decided she was never going to use it so it was 'rescued', the zipper was new (tut tut) but the lining was made from pieces of a white shirt from my scraps bin.

Another covered notebook - i really went to town on the free embroidery on this one! I had been looking at peacock feathers for another project (which has since been 'postponed' in favour of work, gift making, work, work, moving house and more work. Eventually you may yet get to see it!)
But anyway, i had a lot of pictures of peacock feathers lying around while trying to decide what to make for a friend's birthday. So i ended up with this:

And another pair of jeans (he handed me a stack about a year ago that didn't fit well any more and i'm slowly working through them!) became a bag to match the notebook cover for our friend. I sometimes wonder if our friends find it weird that they get gifts made from our old clothes. Or if they even really think about it. What do you think? Has anyone ever found it odd that you make non-clothes things, and gifts, out of your old clothes? Or do your friends appreciate your refashioning adventures? Mine did :)

This is turning into a long post, so i'll leave the rest til next week i think! Just a few more to go.... see you then! xx


  1. A new zipper?!? I guess we'll forgive you. ;)

    You did a great job reusing old jeans. They're very versatile. I think the purse at the end is my favorite though.

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  2. Very nice. Does the oven mitt have hand pockets?


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