Saturday, May 31, 2014

First (successful) Refashion

I am a newbie refashionista. I have been an avid thrifter for years, but only discovered refashioning in the last year & a half.

This is the first refashion that I did that I felt was worthy of sharing with the world. (The first just didn't look good on me, and the second I forgot to document the "before")

I found this emerald colored dress on a 50¢ clearance rack at my favorite thrift store.

Despite how happy I look to be wearing it, it was a terribly awkward length on me, and all the elastic in the waist & sleeves was shot.

After a visit from my scissors & seam ripper, it's much more wearable. It still has a nice vintage flair to it, without looking like something my grandma would've worn. :)



  1. Looks great! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Congratulation on your first successful re-fashion. You took it from frumpy to fab!

  3. What a fantastic and simple refashion. It really makes a huge difference to the look of the dress. Congrats on your first published refashion.

  4. What a pretty spring (or summer) green! I really like how you opened up the top by nixing the collar and sleeves. It's got a great vintage feel too.

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  5. Ok, seriously! 50 cents!!! Jealous :( This is my favorite shade of green and you totally rocked it out :) Great changes, while still retaining the vintage it!

  6. Love it! You've turned the dress from old to young...if that makes sense? It's just great!! :)

  7. Welcome! I'm incredibly jealous of your 50 cent find! Very nice. Great job on the refashion.

  8. Thanks! Everything on the 50¢ rack was pretty much uniformly blech looking in as-is condition, but I got a couple more dresses from it that will make appearances here in the near future. :)

  9. No way. I have that same dress in purple! I just took the pictures so I can list it on Etsy this afternoon. (It's in excellent condition.)
    Of course, now I see your refashion and I'm having second thoughts; I should make a dress like yours!
    Hey, you're costing me money! :)

  10. Congratulations on your first successful refashion!


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