Saturday, May 31, 2014

(kinda) Crocheted Sandals

Don’tcha love it when the (oh-so-simple) solution to potentially awesome yet unworn gear you’ve had for ages suddenly smacks you right in the middle of your refashionista brain?

Before their transformation these beauties were such torture on my tender tootsies they were banished to the storage room for nearly 4 years!

Here’s how I (finally) revamped them into my fancy oh-so-comfortable summer slip-ons…

check out my groovy tutorial index for loads of refashioning DIYs for the whole family


  1. Cute! Nice save. I'm glad these shoes are more kind to you. ;)

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  2. The sandals match your skirt perfectly! Love it!

  3. Cheers gals!

    *The perfectly coordinating dress is a vintage curtain refashion I'll feature soon =O)


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