Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More Bits and Bobs - Refashioned Gifts

Last week (ok maybe a little more than a week ago!) I posted about some refashioned gifts i had made in the run up to Christmas, mostly from jeans kindly donated by my boyfriend. This week i'm finishing off that train of thought with a few more little gifts i made from unloved clothes.

I had a couple of quite vivid, stripy shirts from the charity shop that i'd picked up for their lovely bright colours, and i paired with an old jumper that had accidentally got a little felted as i hadn't realised it wasn't entirely synthetic... No before pics of the jumper or one of the shirts, sorry, but i'm sure you can imagine a rather shrunken and sorry-looking purple jumper! and the other shirt was like this one but more bluey-purpley.

The little gifts i made used the sleeves of the shirts,  the main body of this shirt i used more recently in another refashion - coming up soon!
So anyway, two sets of bright shirt sleeves and one too-small purple jumper became

Two cute travel jewellery cases! I used a couple of zips taken out of old skirts when cutting up and using them as fabric for other projects, buttons and ribbon from my stash, and press studs (snaps) donated by my mum who had them for years and thought she would never use them. Each wrap has a zip pouch, a snap-fastening pouch, a ring holder (a stuffed tube sewn down at one end and secured at the other end with a snap) and a strip of fabric stitched down at intervals to create little gaps for hooking dangly earrings into!

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I made a third one of these from scraps left over from making some things for my living room, and yet another zip taken out of a skirt (i hadn't realised how many skirts i have dismantled until now!)
More refashions and such on my blog, as ever. xx

1 comment:

  1. I love that you used up old zippers as well as the smaller pieces of your garments to make your lovely little jewelry case.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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