Monday, May 12, 2014

Yellow Striped Tee

This overly-ruffled tee really just needed a less-is-more makeover.

Yellow Striped Tee - Before

All I did was remove the ruffles with my seam ripper and scissors. That's it!

Yellow Striped Tee - AfterYellow Striped Tee - After

Come on over to CarissaKnits for more pics!

Yellow Striped Tee - Before & After


  1. Normally I'm a big fan of ruffles but I agree with your decision to remove them. Nice job.

  2. Well done. I think you'd have to have not much of a bosom at all to carry off the ruffles, so wise move.
    Sandy in the UK

  3. Man, what a difference a removed ruffle makes! I love when you can get a great new piece with very little work.


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