Saturday, June 21, 2014

A quick fix and a new skill!

My last couple of posts were all about gifts i had made for other people. This one is about a gift someone gave me that let me not only learn a fab new skill but use it to make a 'gift' for myself! A lovely friend of mine bought me a voucher a while back for a course at a local craft shop, and i chose a screen printing course. I took along a boring old tank top, and made it a little more interesting!



and after:

I love my 'new' top, and I'm totally in love with screen printing. A really quick way (once you've drawn and cut the design at least) to add interest to old or boring clothes, cushion, curtains, can tell i've got the bug! It's a bit messy so you can't really do it just anywhere, but hoping to develop my great new garage (we recently moved to a house with both garage AND attic - all the crafting space you could dream of!) into a workspace to include screen printing facilities! (by that i mean a table i don't mind getting paint on and a big sink, so hopefully it won't take me too long!) Watch this space! xx

1 comment:

  1. Much less boring! Good job!

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus


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