Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bedsheet to New Dress!

Hey All!
Am super proud of how this one turned out. This started off as a bedsheet, and became this beautiful tie back dress with side cutouts.

The self-drafted frakenpattern (seen here) that I used was inspired by a cute wrap skirt I have as well as the bodice of my fav vintage dress. Once the pieces were all attached, and everything was neatly hemmed, I did some final tailoring adjustments to make sure it all fit well and offered just the right amount of coverage ;)

I definitely have Hulibug to thank for inspiring me to go for the vintage sheets, but my sister reminds me that I may also have been inspired by this Sookie Stackhouse number....

She's totally right, of course! See the tie back? What do y'all think? How's it compare?


  1. The color and pattern of the bed sheets definitely inspire a dress! I love it!

  2. I love the tie back element, that works really well!

  3. I think Sook is probably too busy cavorting with tasty paranormal boys to have time to make dresses from sheets.




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