Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Dang, that's flowery

I never, ever thought I'd wear a colorful floral print. But, I guess that I'm experimenting. Look at this big, goofy dress:
Either the waist is too low, or that bodice is too long. Either way, it needed a chop. It needed quite a bit of taking in, too. It was pretty easy to get the look I wanted, though.
It wasn't easy to get a good picture, of course. Thanks, photo editing filters. If you want to read the riveting details behind this dress, the full post is on my blog,  Craft, Thrift, or Die. I'll discuss how I prefer black and that this thing is kinda like a costume.

Want more flowers? Ok, eyeball the lovely retro pattern on this thing:
I can't stop making skirts into dresses. This one was by far the easiest. That's a large size 80s/90s skirt, with print so lovely I could vomit rainbows. Like I said, I have confusing feelings about this style. Look how cute it came out and all I had to do was wear it differently. No sewing needed, folks!
You bet there's a full post over here: Craft, Thrift, or Die.
Thank you for looking!


  1. Both outfits look great. And spring/summer is the time (if any) for flower print, so I say go for it!

  2. Both are lovely prints, great transformations

  3. Great refashions! Very clever use of the shirring in the original dress.

  4. I seriously love the title of this post. Nice job on the refashions

  5. That's one of the things I love about being short! It's so easy to make skirts into dresses!

    Great job on both!

  6. Thank you so much for the comments! Are my pictures too big? They always look small when I'm doing the post, so I tend to make them XL to show detail. I feel like I'm a bit to "in your face" with my ginormous photos!

  7. Like we mind big photos around here!

    Having said that, I suggest you just give the smaller photos a go next time you are posting -- remember, you can go back and edit the post once you've been to the blog for a look!


    PS - I think there must be a vaccination for that rainbow condition….

  8. That skirt dress looks fabulous! I feel you on the being leery of gigantic flowers though. I usually slap on some black accessories to balance out loud print.

    You are rocking both pieces though!


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