Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dress to top

I bought this dress at a jumble sale to make my small daughter a dress, she's 33 now, and it 's still waiting.
It's been homemade, with  two pockets in the front seams and nicely finished, but at least 2 sizes too small for me. The back was completely button through using a number of badly matched ugly buttons. On inspection I discovered why it was at the jumble sale, there was a stain on the front that had been removed, but had left a paler patch. I love the fabric, a quality weight cotton with a lovely spriggy print.

The top was so fitted and seamed I just cut it off, and let down the hem. Cut away the buttons and buttonhole bits and sewed up the seam.
Then I removed the large inset pockets from the 2 front seams and stitched up the seams, at the same time taking out the stained panel and restitching it inside out. No one will notice with all that sprigging.
I used an old worn top as a pattern and cut out a back and front, using all the length I had. Joined it at the sides and shoulders, and put a dart in each side to remove some sag at the armholes.
None of the bias binding I had was right, so I made my own by joining strips cut from the pocket pieces.
Finally I made a small hem, and because there was a line where I had let it down, stitched on a row of cotton lace.
I'm really pleased with this top, and rushed to finish it to take on holiday, it's lovely and cool.

The front has a scoop neck, told you you wouldn't notice anything with all that sprigging!


  1. What a great way to reuse something that has just been sitting there. I wish I had your sewing skills--there are tons of old clothes that I could refashion.


    Another Beautiful Thing

  2. This turned out so cute! I love the addition of the white lace - it's the perfect touch!


  3. I think you hold the record for the longest work-in-progress! Must feel great to get that done:)

  4. That does look better, looks like a nice summery top now :)


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