Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mom's Peach Dress

One of the most popular topics on is refashioning clothing, I’m often asked how I learned to sew and aside from learning how to hem a pair of pants and sew on a button, I never really was taught anything else. I watched my mom sew from time to time, but I think there’s a part of my refashioning that’s inherited – genetically speaking.
My mom is a very creative lady and I’m sad to say I didn’t realize that fact before I became an adult. Today’s refashion is hers and she graciously allowed me to share it.
Mom started with a peach chiffon dress with a hi-lo hem and crazy black accents that she didn't want.

All she did to change the look of this dress was replace all the black with peach ribbon and added a hint of lace and some rosettes.

You can see more pictures and more about her dress on


  1. It definitely looks better with the softer contrast, the black is a bit harsh!

  2. From kinda 80s to quite classic and timeless!

    You go, Mom!



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