Saturday, June 14, 2014

Vintage Paisley Dress Refashion

When I found this 1980's dress in a thrift store last month it was just screaming out to be refashioned.

There were things I loved and things I hated about the dress but I knew it had lots of potential! After working on it for a few days, I was able to turn it into this...

Now I have a cute Summer dress that will surely be a favorite. For details, more pictures, and to find out why I chose this dress, please visit my blog at Love Street Salvage



  1. Adorable! The fabric is beautiful.

  2. I love everything about this dress. The color, the print, the belt, the new cut... everything. Very well done.

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  3. Wow, that went from "no thanks" to "yes please!" very quickly! Nice job!


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