Saturday, July 19, 2014

Blouse expansion

Whilst rooting out some clothes for warm weather I found this blouse that I refashioned last year then put away for the winter. I bought it in a sale some years back, it's a very cheap construction, but a nice cotton/linen woven fabric, and I liked the ruffles on the front. It was stitched up the front with a false fastening and pearl buttons. The opening was at the side with a concealed zip. It fitted when I bought it, but after a couple of washes had shrunk (really!). No before pic, but it looked a bit like this.

I cut it up the front and turned a small hem on the edges, thought I might wear it open over a camisole, but because it's fitted round the bust it didn't hang too well, and I didn't want an extra layer for hot weather. So I cut a section from an old Tshirt, using the hem at the top and hemming the bottom, stitched it into the 'gap', making it slightly shorter than the shirt.

Easy peasy!


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