Friday, July 25, 2014

DIY SCARVES: Better and beautiful

So, I've had these simple scarves that I had crocheted a few years ago during my big crochet kick. I'm not sure why I don't wear them more often because they are nice, comfy, and warm. But the bigger question is: Should turn these crocheted scarves into infinity scarves? I'll answer that question with a question: Why not? Maybe I would wear the scarves more often if they were simple infinity scarves.


So, I took my two favorite crocheted scarves: a lovely dark brown with colorful specks and a black-white-green striped one. The obvious fix was simply sewing or crocheting the open ends together. I'm sure I could've figured out a way to crochet the ends together, but I didn't want to take the time to do that. I opted for the easier and faster method -- a straight stitch with my handy dandy sewing machine (completed before sewing machine kicked it).


At this point, I could be done with the project, cleaning up the new seam and making sure the stitches won't fall out. But I had a brilliant and beautiful plan. I took a few inches of the section containing the new seam and carefully wrapped matching brown yarn around the designated area. I briefly thought about crocheting a simple two or three line strip to wrap around the scarf, but I decided against it. 


I wanted a different textured or pattern look to make this small section stand out a bit. So, I tightly wrapped matching yarn around the designated section, simply tying end pieces. Once I find or make the right accessories, I'll probably add them to the scarves, but for now, I'm pretty happy with the minor fixes.


To read more about the process, click here and take time to check out my blog --

Jennifer Elliott

1 comment:

  1. Your scarves look great! I recently purged a lot of scarves from when I went a little crochet/knit crazy. Now I kind of wish I had kept some.

    Also, my condolences on the death of your sewing machine.

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus


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