Monday, September 22, 2014

An introduction and a refashion of choice

Hello everyone, my name is Dejana and I live in capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo. I am so happy I to become a Refashion Co-Op contributor!

Sometime last year, I have discovered refashioning, which I did not realise was a thing, and a cool thing to do, for that matter.
When I was little, my grandma used to tell me that both she and my mother used to wear refashioned dresses, only refashioning was not a choice, it was more of a necessity, which made it sound quite unappealing. Nevertheless, some of my favourite childhood dresses were made from scraps of fabric and reused fabric and I much preferred them over the store-bought ones, especially from those that were bought together for my sister and me. I really hated those matching dresses.
So today, refashioning – clothes, shoes and other objects became quite an enjoyment for me. I might not have as much time as I’d like to dedicate to it, but when I do, I really have fun and enjoy transforming inspiration through craftsmanship. And after I have been wearing something for a month I see something similar in the store, so I guess I am doing it right.

And why I started blogging about it? After I have decided to forsake dark baggy clothes ant to dress in a more fashionable way. Applying refashioning principles and ideas that work well for regular size and slim girls can not be applied in refashioning for the curvy girl! You simply can't apply the rule - take a big thing and make it smaller, but you have to go for re-shaping large pieces, merging multiple pieces in a single one. Anyways, I found refashioning for big girls to be quite different and not so straight forward. So I decided to start writing about what I do, when I refashion for myself or my sister.
As my very first refashion to share here, I have chosen my favourite one - loud and ugly denim shirt made feminine and hip!

To transform an ugly denim shirt in a versatile, feminine piece of clothing you will need the shirt, some scrapped lace and quite a lot of patience! For a detailed guideline on how to get it done check out the full post!


  1. Welcome to the community! Great job on the refashion.

  2. Welcome from the Netherlands!
    I totally understand what you said about the dresses. But my mom made matching dresses for me and my 2 sisters from new fabric. And I liked them a lot more than storebaught dresses to also because they fit better.
    Love to see more of your refashion work!

  3. The shirt looks lovely - I like the shoulder details you have created. We are very happy to have you as a contributor

    Debbie EOD

  4. Thanks everyone! I feel very grateful and welcommed :)
    More refashions will follow!


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