Monday, September 08, 2014

Flowy and Floral

This $2 XL button-down blouse had shoulder pads out the wazoo and absolutely no shape (though I suppose square is a shape). But I really liked the floral print and the flowy-ness of the fabric.

Floral Polka Dot Blouse - Before

I removed the shoulder pads and the dated buttons, and sewed the button band closed. I took in the sides, and I turned the whole thing around and made the back into the front, adding a few pleats at the bust. Finally, I used some polka dot bias tape from a previous refashion to finish the edges.

Floral Polka Dot Blouse - AfterFloral Polka Dot Blouse - After

Stop by CarissaKnits for more details and photos!

Flowy Floral Top - Before & After


  1. oH MY! That was one big blouse! It looks so much prettier now. I like the bias edging and front pleating.

    Debbie EOD

  2. A much better blouse for that pretty fabric. :)

  3. Way better, of course, I love this shape and flattering and I need to make more for myself! On top of all that, the polka dot bias is PERFECT!!! Love that idea and totally stealing it soon...if I can get myself sewing again ;)


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