Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hemline Adjustment and RIT Maternity Shirt

  I found this at Goodwill in the dress section and decided it would be a good maternity shirt.  It was a little long, so I tried it on and marked where I wanted my new hem to be.  Then I measured up from the hem marking below my new marked hemline about two inches to give myself enough seam allowance to double it over twice and sew with a straight stitch.  Looking back I probably didn't need that much extra for seam allowance but thats ok because now I know for next time! lol  The color was a little bland so I used RIT dye to make it a beautiful purple!:) 



1 comment:

  1. So much better! I love the shorter length and the new color! Great job!

    Jennifer Elliott, EOD


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