Sunday, September 14, 2014

Vest and Cardigan

The cardigan and vest below started as three new, very small, discounted Ralph Lauren cardigans.         They were in my stash of holiday/travel clothing waiting for refashion.
Goal: Enlarge Cardigans # 1, 2 on sides and in arms.
  • Enlarge #1,2 with fabric cut from #3. 
  • Open sides and sleeves of all cardigans. Remove sleeves from #2 which later becomes a vest.
  • Cut, serge, stitch fabric strips from #3 to the sides and arms of #1,2. 
  • Machine baste helps prevent runs in knit. Zig zag over serging may be needed.
  • Hand stitch as needed to secure.

Before: 3 small gold cardigans.

My goal is to refashion, organize, and inventory my wardrobe.
  • Problem: I want to track out of season clothing. Out of sight = out of mind.
  • Problem: I want to track refashions as they re-enter the wardrobe.
  • Solution: StyleBook app, low price, lots of options, low entry level learning curve.
  • Outcome: I entered items into categories and made outfits.  I found duplicates and holes in the wardrobe. This should curtail impulse buying and make re-fashions/purchases/sewing more effective.
The refashion above is part of my travel/holiday capsule and stored in tubs till needed. Before I had to dump and dig. Now I scroll through my Stylebook inventory.
Before: Dump it out and dig.
After: StyleBook tracks Holiday/Travel Capsule.


  1. I'm getting more and more excited about my fall projects as I look at your sweater refashions! Thanks for the inspiration!

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  2. I love this, cardigans do not look flattering unless the heavyweight kind in my opinion. Your vest has a kindof 60s vibe which is in fashion at the moment.. infact, sleeveless coats were on the runway!

  3. I like the idea of sleeveless coats.
    I have several older coats that could do this well. Even a leather jacket.


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