Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Evening/Party Dress to new night of dancing

Never miss an opportunity to dance!

I got this dress for $10.00 at our local Goodwill.

The moment I saw it I knew what it's future would be.  I'm a Bellydancer and have long wanted to do some refashioning for a costume.  So, I snatched this little darling up and quickly ran home with it.  I was sewwww very excited. 

Got rip...

Remove arms...Separate more parts...

Make a few snips...connect a few pieces...

And walla...

Yes I am a bellydancer, no I don't show my tummy, lol, so I have one a spaghetti top cami underneath the bra.  It's super long so it goes into my bottom.  The two black lines on the butt are actually the ties from the bra hanging down.  Sorry we did not have good light in the room (so happy I have a new camera).  Oh, and the pants are just regular yoga pants, I'm making black tribal pants to go with the set!

A wonderfully dreamy little bra and hip scarf costume perfect for dance class practice, solo in small show for caberet.  It's even suitable for a hot little tribal fushion number.  I love it.

You can see full details and step by step pictures at Shimmy and More Blogspot.

Thanks for reading!

Love and Shimmies, 


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