Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fixing a Favorite Shirt

Ever had a shirt that you wore and wore, and wore, then part of it got worn out? Yeah, for me this was that shirt.

This poor favorite shirt of mine wound up with quite a collection of holes near the bottom, where it rubbed against my belt buckle every time I wore it. 

I had no plans to stop wearing this shirt, but it defiantly needed some help! So I cut off the bottom of the shirt, just above the holes.

Then I sewed a band of gray woven fabric to the bottom of the shirt.

This left me with a very wearable, much less worn out looking. favorite shirt!

And the new band of fabric? It's two layers, so hopefully it will stand up to my belt buckle for a while!

Now back to my closet I go to see if anything else needs fixing! Meanwhile, feel free to check out my blog to see more of my projects!

Alyssa, The Sewing Goatherd


  1. Great save! I love how the bottom portion is split in the back. Very cute!



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