Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Making a Shirt Fit

I was given this shirt in a bag of clothes from a friend of a friend.

Green is my favorite color, and I really liked the style, so I deemed this shirt worthy of adding to my wardrobe. There was just one issue. The elastic that was supposed to hit me under the bust? It hit me midbust. So I bought a quarter yard of coordinating fabric, and chopped the shirt in half, right above the elastic. 

Then I sewed in a strip of my coordinating fabric, lengthening the bodice so that the elastic hit me where it was supposed to. I also added another strip of elastic on the inside of the shirt to make it a bit more fitted.

Then it was done. Much better fitting and way more comfortable!

This was a quick and easy refashion that made this shirt go from maybe I'll wear that to, yes I'll absolutely wear that! To see more of my work visit my blog, The Sewing Goatherd, full of refashions and other sewing projects.

Alyssa, The Sewing Goatherd


  1. I love the pattern on the shirt! That's a great save. I often find myself having similar problems with shirts. I will have to try your fix!

  2. The coordinating fabric that you chose was so perfect that it took me three views of the finished blouse to see where you had inserted it! Great job :)

  3. Great save. Thanks for sharing
    Mary @ RanchHouse EOD

  4. Great idea - yet next time the two of us should team up so you can get the surplus material which I have to cut out most of the times to get 'The bust line' (= for the lack of breasts/boobs ) right ;-) .

    LG, Gerlinde
    with pink envy about 'The Reason' for this brilliant extension job; thanks

  5. I love how this turned out. You are so clever.


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