Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Patriotic Kimono

Here in the US, we celebrated Memorial Day this weekend. It's a day of remembrance for all the men and women who have given their lives for our freedom. I decided to whip up a little something red, white, and blue for the occasion using this old skirt, which I brought home from a clothes swap two years ago when no one else wanted it at the end of the night. Apart from the... interesting print on that pure polyester fabric, the elastic waistband was also completely shot (hence the pinned loop to keep it on my dress form).

Patriotic Kimono - Before

I removed the worn-out waistband, pressed out all the pleats, and used the abundance of fabric I was left with to make a simple little kimono. In fact, I spent more time pressing out all those pleats than I actually spent sewing!

Patriotic Kimono - AfterPatriotic Kimono - After

For more details and photos, feel free to visit me at CarissaKnits!

Patriotic Kimono - Before & After


  1. That skirt looks good as a kimono, and I love the print.

    I am beginning to feel left out as the only sewer in the western world who hasn't made a kimono yet.

  2. The kimono looks really fabulous! Love the print!

  3. I love it. I haven't made one either whatthesew. We are behind the times.

  4. Love it!

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab

  5. I love it. That was a lot of work removing those pleats!

  6. Love the skirt to kimono idea!



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