Tuesday, May 17, 2016

You might be a caftan...

Today's refashion is another one snagged from the Goodwill bins. It is a very lightweight blend of some sort (no materials tag to know for sure), so it definitely cost under $1. I was drawn by the pretty fabric and really wasn't sure what it would look like when worn. Oh man, it's a good one!
Caftan - before

I believe this would be considered a caftan, but hard to say. A quick Google search resulted in many different looks. One thing is for sure, it has one serious bat wing! Too bad it has got to go! 
There was a lot of pinning and sewing:
Caftan - sewing sides

And fitting, then re-pinning and re-sewing and removal of excess:
Caftan - removed excess

Sleeves got 86'd and buttons were relocated. After a lot of effort, I ended up with a pretty darn cute dress: 
Caftan - after

But, not so fast! Head over to my blog, Hems And HaHa's, to see the whole process and to find out why wearing this to work resulted in an emergency trip to buy jeans on my lunch break! Oh well, win some, lose some! Have a good one all! 


  1. So much better. Nice Refashion.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab

  2. Would it be an option to close/sew shut the entire front; add some side splits ( for room to move) incl. back or side zips to get in ?
    It's a real nice thing NOW you know!
    For additional lengths maybe a decorative black stripe?

    LG, Gerlinde

  3. PS: decorative full closure of front; means: leave optic of to be able to be buttoned ?!

  4. wow. What nice changes you have made to the bat dress!

  5. SO much better! Super cute.

  6. Hey, dearest sewing-friend

    at the moment sitting in front of some similar 'problems' (concerning restricted movement to to, ahem, 'shrinkage' ;-) ) with one of my fav. garments.
    My current rescue-idea: stretch-panel inserts in either tone in tone or colour-block.
    Useful for your cute dress as well?

    LG, Gerlinde
    (precautionary I'll try to get this to you via your blog as well; yet: we all learn from each other - hence here as well!)


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