Monday, June 06, 2016

Little Yellow Polka Dot Summer Dress

My adorable little niece was my model for this refashion.


What I did:

1. Cut the dress to her length (about 20 inches off), zig-zagged the edges and hemmed it.
2. Tapered in the bodice area to fit. 
3. Moved up the pockets. Unstitched and restitched into place.
4. Made a little belt out of the excess fabric.


Side by side

This dress is great because it can be worn as a looser shift dress or with a little belt to be little more girly.

More refashions on my blog or instagram!


  1. Adorable! It looks fantastic on her :) Actually, I wouldn't mind having a dress like that ;)

  2. The model and dress refashion are both adorable! Love it!

  3. Great refash! That dress is so cute on her!


  4. I take it, you brought up the pockets a bit higher as well for her?
    If it wouldn't be for her smile, I'd probably steal it from her = 'pink envy' :-D
    Weeell, she definitely looks muuuch better in it than I'd do = 'pink envy' here as well ;-) !

    LG, Gerlinde

  5. Very cute model and refashion.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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