Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Re-Love That Old Jean Jacket!!!

Hello there!  Do you have an old jean jacket that is just blah?  It hangs in your closet, year after year?  Maybe you bring it out occasionally?  Well, I did!  I kept packing it away every Winter, and taking it out every Spring... But never wearing it... It finally ended up in my donate box... Now, I am a Re-Fashioner, an UPcycler, a RePurposer -- why would I even HAVE a donate box for clothes?!  I'm not sure.... I guess there are the occasional items that I look at and can't even see myself using for one of my designs... This jacket fell into that category. 
Well, today I looked at it and thought... hmmmmm... I had an idea... would it work?  Would it look dopey?  I figured - what the heck?  I don't like it or wear it any way!
So, here's what I did:
I sewed an awesome handmade doily that I'd picked up at a yard sale to the back of the jacket...  Double seams - one straight and one zigzag for strength.  Then I just cut out the material that was under it from the back side.  Now, it's unique, it lets air through for the summer, AND whatever color shirt I wear shows through the doily!!!  Cool!

I was really happy with how this looked, but when I thought about wearing it I realized one thing:  NO pockets!!  This is on the front - a phony!!  it's just a flap!  Grrrrr!!  

I am funny about pockets - I need to have at least one.   Soooo, I used the piece of fabric I cut out of the back of the jacket and made a pocket :)   Then I just sewed in onto the inside, behind the "impostor" :)  and slightly behind the front placket -- more secure there  :)   

And here's how it looks from the front:  Not really noticeable, which is great, but even if you can see the stitching, it's OK because it looks like it's a pocket! (which it is! hehe)   --- By the way, that dark spot on the bottom corner is a stain from ages ago; I don't even know what it was from... This is a pretty old jacket... ;)

That's all Folks!  Have a fabulous day!


  1. I like the way the look changes with the colour of the top underneath. Good use of a lovely old doily.

  2. Did you cut into the jacket underneath the flap to access the inner pocket, or do you have to reach inside the jacket to get to it? Just curious.

  3. Fake pockets annoy me too! Doilies come in so handy with refashions! Nice job.

    Jennifer, EOD

  4. I'm with you on the pocket issue. I refuse to carry a purse so I need pockets, preferably in top AND bottom. I'm talking usable pockets here, for money - real and plastic, lip balm, tissues, keys. I will carry a backpack for water, a book and an epi-pen (wasp allergy).


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