Friday, June 10, 2016

Spanish Vintage Souvenir Scarves Turned Into a New Top! vintagethrifter51

I purchased these vintage travel souvenir scarves a little while ago from Value Village for $4.20 each.  I knew right away when I saw them what I wanted to do with them.  I wanted to make another top.
Here are the two scarves before...
And here is the top after.  I just sewed up the sides of the scarves to where I wanted the sleeve to begin and the same across the shoulders.  I can wear it either front to back or back to front.  I love how the blue edging matches exactly on both scarves.  I also love that they are both bull fighting scarves from Seville, a beautiful city that I have had the great good fortune to visit.  I am not a fan of bull fighting, but I do love the scarves. What do you think of the results?  Cheers and Happy Refashioning, Michele


  1. I've been hanging on to scarves trying to decide between something like this or coming up with another way of refashioning them...this might help me decide ;) Great use of the scarves!

    Andrea EOD

  2. I love it! I've got a stash of souvenir scarves crying out to be made into something cool. Ace! xxx


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