Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Fall Colors

Hello Refashion Co-op. I am trying to work through the Fall clothes on my refashion rack. These two pieces looked like a good choice. The skirt is too big but it's a nice corduroy and I think I can make it look like this skirt  from Target. 

This shirt is such a great color. It just needs a little help.

I trimmed it down just a little. And stitched the neckline shut. It was gaping a little. 

The arms just didn't work for me so I also made it short sleeved. 

I made the skirt more of an A-line shape. I shortened it just a little too.

Here is my finished outfit. It was perfect for a Fall day.

Thanks for reading, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


  1. Looks great as an outfit together! It always cracks me up to see you sew right up over the waistband. I still haven't tried that!

  2. That's a great outfit, the colours look good together.

  3. Thanks Ladies. I know it isn't proper Amy Jo, I tried it once because I was in a rush and it worked so well I decided to keep doing it. haha
    Someday I will have more time, maybe. haha

    1. Chickie, my 1970s Home Economics college instructors would have failed me for much of what I do. Look at some men's RTW pants. Sansa belt are made to alter in the back seam. Just as yours is done.

  4. Nicely done. Great new outfit.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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