Wednesday, November 30, 2016

something blue for me

Hello, HoffiCoffi here!

Well, seasonal gift making is rather taking priority at the moment in my house, but I did find time today to make something quickly just for me.

I have previously used this duvet cover to make myself this dress...

...but I still had the bottom of the duvet leftover.  It seemed a shame to waste all those trees so today I used them to make...

...this skirt.  Just a simple gathered rectangle with a zip and waistband added.  The waistband is the leftover fabric used to make the piping on this recent skirt.

The tree skirt is lined with two different long and thin pieces of leftover lining which would be hard to use for anything else - and the waistband uses a button from my charity shop button box.

Everything will get used eventually! :)


  1. So great how much one can get from bedding. Clever that both are from the same duvet, but still unique.

  2. I remember that dress, both it and the new skirt is so pretty. And I applaud your thriftiness.

    SAga - EOD

  3. Really great refashions! I particularly love that dress. It's beautiful and unique.


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