Friday, January 06, 2017

Button Harvest

Lately I have been haunting the thrift store as if it were a button shop.  Because have you checked out the price of buying new buttons lately?  Wow-za!!!
Here's an example of a button gold mine:
Off of this (not so) beautiful denim shirt (with mysterious stinky stains under the arms) I harvested buttons:
23 buttons to be exact.  Because I paid $2 for the shirt, that comes out to a whopping 9 cents per button.  Yes, please!!!  And with quite a few of them I made this for my son:
Knight Hoodies: you can read all about them here over at Skirt Fixation.  
See you next time...and happy button harvesting!


  1. Nice job! The hoodie has some unusual design on the hood; it looks cool. The way the neck piece comes up over the mouth reminds me of going into battle. The button placement adds to the hoodie. Great job!

  2. I have totally bought something just for the buttons! It's an inexpensive way to get buttons! Buttons at the store can get expensive depending on how many you might need for a project.


  3. I love this post, great idea to get buttons. They are so pricey. The fact that you made knight helmets for your kids makes it even better.

  4. I can't believe how expensive some buttons are. Thanks for the advice.

    Jennifer EOD


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