Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tunic Dress Refashioned Into Top

I thrifted this very short dress at Value Village for only $10.99 but I had a 30% off coupon so it only cost me $7.77.  I loved the fabric and the cut of the top but it was too short to be a dress and I don't wear tunics.
So it was a simple matter of taking my seam ripper and removing the band of fabric that covers the elastic on the waistband.
Once that was done, it was just a matter of cutting the top to the right length, iron the hem over twice and stitch it down.
Then I ironed the wrinkles out and I had a great new top.  What do you think of my refashion?  Check out my blog at Vintagethrifter51.  Cheers, Michele


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