Thursday, February 16, 2017

Dressing Up A Sweatshirt

Hello Refashion Co-op. I had a plain gray sweatshirt sitting around and decided to make this sweatshirt a little less boring. 

I cut a little off the bottom. Quick and easy.

I also cut a little off the bottom of the floral top. Quick and easy too.

I put them together with my machine. I liked it but it needed a little something more. I removed the cuffs from the floral top and added the cuffs to the sleeves too. That worked well and I stopped working and went out to enjoy the unusually nice weather we had that day.

Thanks for reading, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


  1. The colours look good together and the sleeves needed that pop too.

  2. Now u can re-lengthen the floral top with the offcuts from the gray... just a thought. I hate to waste any fabric.

  3. Thanks Ladies. I know what you mean Maria, I hate to waste fabric too. The floral top was too tight for me, but the fabric is too pretty to throw away.


  4. Lovely job. The floral top adds pop to the gray shirt. Love it.

    Jennifer Elliott, EOD

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